


Vera Stanley Alder Bibliography


* Stanley Alder, Vera (1938). The Finding of the Third Eye Rider (imprint) and Company, London, UK 

* Stanley Alder, Vera (1939). The Initiation of the World Rider (imprint) and Company, London, UK 

* Stanley Alder, Vera (1940). The Fifth Dimension Rider (imprint) and Company, London, UK 

* Stanley Alder, Vera (1942). Wisdom in Practice Rider (imprint) and Company, London, UK 

* Stanley Alder, Vera (1950). Humanity Comes of Age Andrew Dakers Ltd. 

(Later republished as When Humanity Comes of Age Rider (imprint) and Company, London, UK)

* Stanley Alder, Vera (1958). The Secret of the Atomic Age Rider (imprint) and Company, London, UK 

* Stanley Alder, Vera (1979). From the Mundane to the Magnificent Rider (imprint) and Company, London, UK 


Stanley Alder, Vera, The Story of World Union Fellowship (Pamphlet) 

The World Union Fellowship Publishing Company and Photospeed Lithographic Company, London, UK

Stanley Alder, Vera (1976). The Time is Now! A Guide to World Regeneration (Pamphlet)

World Guardian Publishing Co. and Comet Press Ltd., Bedford, UK

Stanley Alder, Vera, The New World Civilization (Pamphlet) C.W. Daniel & Co, Ashingdon. UK

Stanley Alder, Vera, Self Training in the Art of Living 12 talks on cassettes 


The Speakers International Agency, 29 Old Bond Street, London W1X 4LJ, UK, with titles:



  Vera Stanley Alder   Vera Stanley Alder
The Finding of the Third
Eye 1937
The Initiation of the World 
The Fifth Dimension 1940 Wisdom in Practice 1942
When Humanity Comes of 
Age 1950
The Secret of the Atomic Age 1958
From the Mundane to the 
Magnificent 1979




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