


 Selected Books 


    CreatingCharacterAnnieBesantAndCWLeadbeater-0                                                   Downloads  46

  Creating Character Annie Besant And C W Leadbeater (1951)

  Annie Besant 1847-1933 GB Theosophist English Books

    JourneyToTheWestVolume1WuChengen-1                                                   Downloads  6

  Journey To The West Volume 1 Wu Cheng'en

  Wu Cheng en 1500-1582 Chinese Writer English Books

    SAIBABATheHolyManAndThePsychiatristSamuelHSandweissMD-2                                                   Downloads  212

  SAI BABA The Holy Man ... ... And The Psychiatrist Samuel H. Sandweiss, M.D. (1975)

  Dr. Samuel H. Sandweiss USA Writer English Books

    AmiInternalCivilisationsEnriqueBarrios-3                                                   Downloads  89

  Ami Internal Civilisations Enrique Barrios (Part 3 in the Series)

  Enrique Barrios English Books

    TheReappearanceOfTheChristBenjaminCreme-4                                                   Downloads  33

  The Reappearance Of The Christ Benjamin Creme

  Benjamin Creme 1922-2016 Scottish Painter Esotericist English Books

    AsTheFlowerGrowsMabelCollins-5                                                   Downloads  37

  As The Flower Grows Mabel Collins (1915)

  Mabel Collins 1851 1927 Guernsey Theosophist Writer English Books

    MyLifeAndQuestArthurOsborne-6                                                   Downloads  614

  My Life And Quest Arthur Osborne

  Arthur Osborne

    TheIncredibleSaiBabaArthurOsborne-7                                                   Downloads  1843

  The Incredible Sai Baba Arthur Osborne

  Arthur Osborne

    LettersfromthemastersofthewisdomCJinarajadasa-8                                                   Downloads  1045

   Letters from the masters of the wisdom, 1881-1888 (1919) C Jinarajadasa Scanned Version

  Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa 1875 1953 Sri Lanka Occultist Theosophist English Books

    TheNewHumanityOfIntuitionJinarajadasa-9                                                   Downloads  899

  The New Humanity Of Intuition (1947) C Jinarajadasa Scanned Version

  Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa 1875 1953 Sri Lanka Occultist Theosophist English Books

    PracticalTheosophyJinarajadasa-10                                                   Downloads  1313

  Practical Theosophy C.Jinarajadasa

  Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa 1875 1953 Sri Lanka Occultist Theosophist English Books

    LightonthePathandKarmaScannedVersion-11                                                   Downloads  1156

  Light on the Path and Karma Scanned Version

  Mabel Collins 1851 1927 Guernsey Theosophist Writer English Books

    TheCasualBodyandtheEgoArthurEPowell-12                                                   Downloads  1428

  The Casual Body and the Ego Arthur E Powell

  Arthur E Powell 1882-1969 Wales Theosophist English Books

    TheEthericDoubleTheHealthAuraofManArthurEPowell-13                                                   Downloads  1531

  The Etheric Double - The Health Aura of Man Arthur E Powell

  Arthur E Powell 1882-1969 Wales Theosophist English Books

    TheMentalBodyArthurEPowell-14                                                   Downloads  1302

  The Mental Body Arthur E Powell

  Arthur E Powell 1882-1969 Wales Theosophist English Books

    TheAstralBodyArthurEPowell-15                                                   Downloads  1392

  The Astral Body and other Astral Phenomena Arthur E Powell

  Arthur E Powell 1882-1969 Wales Theosophist English Books

    LightonthePathMabelCollins-16                                                   Downloads  935

  LIGHT ON THE PATH 1982 Adyar Centenary Edition by Mabel Collins

  Mabel Collins 1851 1927 Guernsey Theosophist Writer English Books

    MabeCollinsTheIdylloftheWhiteLotus-17                                                   Downloads  736

  The Idyll of the White Lotus by Mabel Collins

  Mabel Collins 1851 1927 Guernsey Theosophist Writer English Books

    AdyarPamphlet-18                                                   Downloads  732

  Adyar Pamphlet No 8 Comments on The Idyll of the White Lotus T. Subba Rao

  Mabel Collins 1851 1927 Guernsey Theosophist Writer English Books

    AttheFeetoftheMaster-19                                                   Downloads  2272

  At The Feet Of The Master (1911) Alcyone (Krishnamurti)

  Alcyone Krishnamurti English Books

    Thoughtforms-20                                                   Downloads  3775

   Thought Forms (1901) Annie Besant and C.W.Leadbeater

  Annie Besant and C.W.Leadbeater Books

    TheMastersAnnieBesant-21                                                   Downloads  1298

  The Masters Annie Besant

  Annie Besant 1847-1933 GB Theosophist English Books

    HowWeRememberOurPastLives-22                                                   Downloads  1143

  How We Remember Our Past Lives CJinarajadasa

  Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa 1875 1953 Sri Lanka Occultist Theosophist English Books

    InvisibleHelpersCWLeadbeater-23                                                   Downloads  1218

  Invisible Helpers CW Leadbeater

  C W Leadbeater 1847 1934 GB Theosophist English Books

    ATextbookofTheosophy-24                                                   Downloads  1096

  A Textbook of Theosophy(1912) C.W.Leadbeater

  C W Leadbeater 1847 1934 GB Theosophist English Books

    TheAstralPlaneItsSceneryInhabitantsandPhenomenaCWLeadbeater-25                                                   Downloads  1223

  The Astral Plane (Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena) (1896) Leadbeater

  C W Leadbeater 1847 1934 GB Theosophist English Books

    DevachanicPlaneCWLeadbeater-26                                                   Downloads  977

  Devachanic Plane C.W.Leadbeater

  C W Leadbeater 1847 1934 GB Theosophist English Books

    AutobiographyofaYogi-27                                                   Downloads  620

  Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa-Yogananda (1946)

  Paramahansa Yogananda 1893-1952 India Avatar

    TheFindingOfTheThirdEye-28                                                   Downloads  9507

  Finding of the Third Eye Vera Stanley Alder

  Vera Stanley Alder -1984 Esoterica Writer GB English Books

    Ami_ChildoftheStars-29                                                   Downloads  1853

  Ami - Child of the Stars (1986) Enrique Barrios

  Enrique Barrios English Books

    karmaanniebesant-30                                                   Downloads  1727

  Karma Annie Besant

  Annie Besant 1847-1933 GB Theosophist English Books

    anniebesantautobiography-31                                                   Downloads  1217

  An Autobiography (1893) Annie Besant

  Annie Besant 1847-1933 GB Theosophist English Books

    AncientWisdom-32                                                   Downloads  1385

  The Ancient Wisdom Annie Besant

  Annie Besant 1847-1933 GB Theosophist English Books

    IsisUnveiled-33                                                   Downloads  1395


  H.P.Blavatsky 1831-1891 Russian Occultist English Books

    IsisUnveiled-34                                                   Downloads  1605


  H.P.Blavatsky 1831-1891 Russian Occultist English Books

    TheSecretDoctrine-35                                                   Downloads  1010


  H.P.Blavatsky 1831-1891 Russian Occultist English Books

    TheSecretDoctrine-36                                                   Downloads  2072


  H.P.Blavatsky 1831-1891 Russian Occultist English Books



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