

Alice A Bailey Bibliography 

* Bailey, Alice (1922). Initiation, human and solar. Lucifer Pub. Co.
* Bailey, Alice (1922). Letters on occult meditation. New York. 
* Bailey, Alice Anne (1930). A treatise on cosmic fire.
* Bailey, Alice (1997) [1927]. The light of the soul : its science and effect : a paraphrase of the Yoga sutras of Patanjali. Lucis Publishing. 
* Bailey, Alice A. (1987) [1934]. A treatise on white magic, or, The way of the disciple (5 ed.). Lucis Pub. Co. 
* Bailey, Alice (1944). Discipleship in the new age. New York, Lucis Pub. Co. 
* Bailey, Alice (1944). The problems of humanity. New York. 
* Bailey, Alice (1947). The reappearance of the Christ. New York, Men of Goodwill. 
* Bailey, Alice (1949). The destiny of the nations. Lucis. 
* Bailey, Alice (1950). Glamour : a world problem. Lucis Press. 
* Bailey, Alice (1950). Telepathy and the etheric vehicle. New York, Lucis Pub. Co. 
* Education in the New Age 1954
* The Externalization of the Hierarchy 1957
* Ponder On This: A Compilation 2003
* A Treatise on the Seven Rays:
o Volume 1: Esoteric Psychology I 1936
o Volume 2: Esoteric Psychology II 1942
o Volume 3: Esoteric Astrology 1951
o Volume 4: Esoteric Healing 1953
o Volume 5: The Rays and the Initiations 1960
* The Consciousness of the Atom 1922
* The Soul and its Mechanism 1930
* From Intellect to Intuition 1932
* From Bethlehem to Calvary 1937
* The Unfinished Autobiography 1951
* The Labors of Hercules 1974
* The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation first published 1982

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